Indicator: Water Holding Capacity Potential


Automated on Landler


Plot-level forecast of future water holding capacity under different land management scenarios (e.g., reduced or no-till, increased carbon input). This forecast runs for 20 years and is related to the below ground carbon potential indicator.


m³ (total and per hectare)

Temporal Resolution

Projection into the future

Spatial Resolution



Satellite data (SMAP, SMOS, Landsat, MODIS, Sentinel 2); ISRIC SoilGrids v2.


Future projections of Water Holding Capacity are generated using a conversion of soil organic carbon projections and soil texture via a pedotransfer function. This approach facilitates the conversion of soil organic carbon predictions into Water Holding Capacity estimates, primarily aimed at enhancing future projections. To account for differences between satellite based WHC estimates and PTF based scenario projections, we employ a data harmonization model that takes the satellite based WHC as a reference.

Last updated