Indicator: Landscape Habitat Diversity & Farm-level Contribution
Available on Project Basis
Measures the diversity of habitats at the landscape level and individual farms' contributions to overall landscape diversity. Particularly important in intensive agriculture landscapes where set-aside areas on farms can enhance habitat availability.
Shannon-Wiener Index, where in natural, homogenous landscapes 0 means "best" (no fragmentation), and in man-made landscapes 0 means "worst" (no diversity)
Temporal Resolution
Annual, based on earth observation landcover mapping
Spatial Resolution
Measured in polygon and surrounding landscape context using a grid of 1 km²
Sentinel-2 derived landcover maps
Calculates habitat diversity index by measuring the number and distribution of different habitat types in the surrounding landscape. The contribution of an individual farm is calculated by assuming a counter factual of ‘no habitat’ for the entire farm and recalculating the landscape score. The difference between the two is the contribution. This model is still in active development.
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