Indicator: Soil Carbon Stock


Automated on Landler


Plot-level estimates of soil organic carbon stock stored in the top 30 cm soil from 2018 to the present. Provides a baseline for the current year and changes over the past years.


Metric tons (total and per hectare)

Temporal Resolution

Annual Assessment

Spatial Resolution

Field-level model, 20m and 250m input data

Input Data

IRSIC SoilGrids v2: organic carbon stock, bulk density, texture; Satellite observations of cover crop usage and land cover history.


Soil carbon stock assessment combines baseline soil data with land-use monitoring (e.g., land-use changes and cover cropping) to model annual carbon changes based on IPCC Tier 1 carbon coefficients (implemented in the CoolFarmTool). Baseline soil properties and texture data are sourced from the global IRSIC SoilGrids v2 map (2018), created using a machine learning model trained on publicly available soil samples and environmental variables such as terrain, climate, vegetation, and geology.

Changes in soil carbon stocks are driven by detecting cover crop history and historic land-use changes since 2018. Cover crop practices are identified through satellite time-series data (Sentinel 2) monitoring vegetation and soil dynamics. Unless cover crops or land-use changes are detected, the model assumes conventional farming practices (e.g., full tillage, no manure, and no land-use changes in the past 20 years)

Last updated