Indicator: Soil Moisture
Automated on Landler
Volume of water present in the soil scaled to the top 30 cm (typically the A horizon). Displays as m³/Plot and m³/ha, with a interpolated and smoothed curve of measurements covering the past five years.
m³ (total and per hectare) Trends since 2018 shown as a percentage (%).
Temporal Resolution
Near-real time Assessment (3-5 days)
Spatial Resolution
Satellite data (SMAP, SMOS, Landsat, MODIS, Sentinel 2)
Soil moisture content is monitored using a combination of satellite data sources, including passive microwave data (from SMAP and SMOS), thermal data (from Landsat, MODIS, and Sentinel 3), and optical data (from Sentinel 2). These data streams are integrated using a spatial downscaling algorithm, resulting in an up-to-daily time-series of volumetric soil moisture content since 2018, at 100m resolution.
Last updated